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Petition Against Assisted Suicide

The bill is dangerous for several reasons:
THE FATAL FLAWS OF "Medical Aid in Dying" Bills
The bill mandates that all patients seeking treatment for terminal illness be informed of the availability of lethal drugs as an option, regardless of the conscience concerns of medical professionals.
Doctors and/or APRNs could prescribe lethal overdoses to patients with a 6-month life expectancy with no account for incorrect diagnoses.
No medical personnel needs to be present when the drugs are taken. It would be impossible to know if the drugs were taken voluntarily or even knowingly.
Doctors and/or APRNs need not have a previous relationship with the patient but should be able to determine that the patient, who may have a new, serious diagnosis, is not depressed or being coerced by a third party. One of the written form witnesses may be a prospective heir.
The 6-month prognosis applies to persons with incurable but manageable chronic diseases who indicate they may stop routine therapies, such as insulin or heart failure medications.
Doctors and/or APRNs who do not wish to prescribe medicine to end life may face professional censure and would be obligated to participate by providing a referral to a doctor who will prescribe.
The cause of death on the death certificate must be listed as the underlying diagnosis, NOT overdose of lethal drugs, thereby creating medical fraud.
Numerous disabilities groups and hospice groups, as well as medical professionals are opposed to the bill.

Every week faithful warriors pray outside of Planned Parenthood clinics in Wilmington, Dover, and Seaford. A new clinic which just opened in Wilmington called All-GYN will need a coordinator to spearhead that effort. Please find days/times/contacts on our Events page under Prayer Vigils
They seek to change the minds of women entering the clinics for surgical and medical abortions and they need YOU. The more people outside a clinic, the more turnaways from women with appointments. Help save a life!

PRAC Patients’ Rights Action Fund—https://patientsrightsaction.org/
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition—https://www.epcc.ca/
Call and email your senators and representatives. A hand-written note is another good way to make your voice heard.
We always need volunteers for our community events (see below) as well as with social media, membership, and fundraising. Please contact us at delawarerighttolife@gmail.com.
We will need volunteers for the following events:
Prayer vigils in all three counties, our Delaware March for Life on Wednesday, March 27, and the Good Friday Life Chain on March 29 in all three counties. Go to our Calendar page for more details!
Check out current and ongoing events in Delaware to promote LIFE.
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