

Defending innocent human life from conception to natural death.

Governor Carney VETOES End of Life Options Act!

We received great news today (Sept. 20) that Gov. Carney vetoed the assisted suicide bill that had passed both Senate and House this past session. We have been fighting this bill for TEN years, and may well have to take up the torch again next session, but for now we are elated that the culture of death has been defeated for once in Delaware. Thank you to ALL of you who helped make this happen with your persistent defense of innocent human life from conception to natural death!

About Us

Delaware Right to Life, Inc. is the largest, most active pro-life organization in the state. The principle guiding us is that all human life is precious and deserving of protection. We are a no exceptions, no compromise organization believing that every human life is Unique, Unrepeatable and Irreplaceable from conception to natural death. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization funded entirely by private donations, we rely exclusively on volunteers to help spread the pro-life message throughout the state.

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As an all-volunteer organization, we rely solely on YOU for donations.

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Our Mission: To Educate Delawareans About the Life Issues.

  • Billboards, radio and print ads
  • Exhibit tables at fairs, conventions, and conferences
  • Peaceful participation in March for Life, Life Chains, and Rallies
  • Presentations at local high schools
  • Speakers for organizations, churches and youth groups
  • Prayerful presence at abortion clinics throughout the state
  • The Lifeline, quarterly newsletter

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Some women who aborted say later, “IF ONLY someone had been outside, I wouldn’t have done it.” Our presence on the sidewalks outside Planned Parenthood may be the difference between life and death. We offer counseling, support, and witness to the humanity of the unborn. The walk towards an abortion clinic is the last chance for so many women to change their minds and start over. PLEASE JOIN US at these locations and times:

  • Planned Parenthood, Dover, 805 Governor’s Ave., Thursday & Friday mornings, 9 AM – Noon.

  • Planned Parenthood, Wilmington, 7th and Shipley Streets, Tuesdays, 9 AM – 11 AM.

  • Contact Dave at Horace33@aol.com for Wilmington locations and Donna at dlatteri86@gmail.com for Dover and Rebecca at 40days4seaford@gmail.com.

Our Events

Bess McAneny giving testimony at Legislative Hall

Contact Gov. Carney and tell him to VETO HB140

A Veto is our last chance to defeat assisted suicide in Delaware. Please go to https://governor.delaware.gov/contact-connect/ and tell Gov. Carney to veto HB140, which would be a slippery slope to euthanasia in Delaware.


Events Calendar

Delaware Right to Life sponsors a host of events each year so that pro-lifers in the First State may become engaged in the fight for life. From prayer vigils, marches, and rallies to community events, lectures, and our popular Victorian Tea fundraiser. Check our calendar regularly to find an event.


Prayer Vigils

Come Out To Pray: If You Haven’t Been Involved In The Prayer Vigils At The Abortion Clinics, Please Consider Doing So. A Consistent Prayerful Presence Will Bring About Change. The Number Of Participants Does Matter. Not Only Do Our Prayers Change Hearts And Minds, But Our Presence Serves To Influence The Conscience Of Those Who Work In The Clinics, Their Patrons And Those Passing By On Foot Or In Their Vehicles.

Support Delaware Right to Life

Delaware Right to Life relies strictly on your generous contributions to enable our educational efforts. We are a non-profit, 501(c)(3) educational organization. We have ongoing appeals for billboard, radio, and newspaper ads. We also incur operating costs for having booths at various events around the state as well as other educational functions such as life chains, Face the Truths, and our annual banquet. Any amount you can give is greatly appreciated.

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